Tragic Incident in Min Hla Township: Local Administration Officer murdered by PDF hit squad


Yangon 21 January 2024

It is with deep sorrow that we report a tragic incident that occurred on January 20th in Min Hla Township, Bago Division, Myanmar. The local administration officers, U Than Tun (72 Years), head of Htanpin Kone Village groups administrator, and U Maung Naing, 100 houses group elder, were shot and killed by terrorists on the bridge between Innboke Kone and Thal Taw villages.

Regrettably, U Than Htun succumbed to his injuries in the hospital, while U Maung Naing remains seriously wounded. The local community is grappling with this devastating news, describing it as a truly tragic event.

This is not the first instance of such brutality in the region. Another village administrator from San Oake Village, Min Hla Township, Bago Division, lost his life in a similar attack last December. The pattern of violence by PDF (People’s Defense Force) terrorists targeting innocent civilians and civil servants has become a grave concern, aiming to disrupt the administration across the country.

To date, more than 7,000 innocent people have lost their lives due to these inhumane and brutal attacks, leaving communities in mourning and the nation in shock. The international community condemns these acts of violence and stands in solidarity with the people of Myanmar during these challenging times.

Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families and friends of U Than Tun and U Maung Naing, as well as to the entire community affected by this senseless act of violence..

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