Opposition PDF forces and allies taken first District level town in the heart land of proper Myanmar


Opposition Parallel Government NUG flag hoisted on District Administration Office building in KawLinn city 6 November 2023 morning

The opposition forces claimed on 6 November that they have taken control of KawLinn town in the central heartland of Myanmar which is situated in 300km north of Mandalay. It is the first major success of NLD party led opposition militia PDF to occupy a District level town in the new phase of Myanmar civil war after 2021 coup.

According to the confirmed reports from the both sides of conflict, the Civil Administration Office of the KawLinn which is the last stand of Junta forces during 4 days offensive was taken over by the allied opposition forces on early morning of November 6. The Junta forces are said to be regrouping in the military bases around the city after abandoning the population center. It is the major breakthrough for the opposition forces since 2021.

In the north-eastern theatre, the offensive from Northern Alliance forces claimed that they are still in control of 4 towns occupied at the beginning of the offensive on October 27 and taken more territory around the East bank of Salween river. There claimed to be ongoing fighting on the west bank of Salween with a Myanmar Junta’s reinforcements from Mandalay are approaching toward the area.

On the west and north-west the small skirmishes are reported but can not be independently verified. The next wave of offensive is expected to be seen in western most part of the Rakhine State and west of Bago Yoma mountain ranges.

On the south of the country, the Russian Navy confirmed that they will participate in the first ever joint naval exercise with Myanmar navy on 7-9 November at Andaman Sea. The Admiral Nikolai A.EVMENOV of Russia Navy is in Myanmar to open the joint maneuver that will include live fire training.

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