Myanmar Junta forces are preparing for anticipated all out offensive by opposition forces on November 27


Refugee Camp on city of LaukKai near Chinese border November 2023

Yangon, 26 November 2023

The opposition Northern Alliance forces released a statement on 25 November that they are elevating original offensive “1027 Operation” which started on October 27 focusing on liberating their ethnic regions into the nation wide operation, on its one month anniversary 27 November.

The alliance of ethnic-Chinese (Kokang) led MNDAA, ethnic Tang (Palaung) led TNLA and ethnic Rachine (Arakan) led AA begun its operation in Chinese border area and occupied 3 to 5 towns in ethnic- Chinese (Kokang) region. The cities in Taang (Palaung) and Rakhine (Arakan) ethnic regions are still being contested with Myanmar Junta forces with superior fire power defending the cities aggressively.

The Chinese border town of LaukKai, only major city in Kokang prefecture under the Junta forces control is preparing to face off final assault , likely on 27 November, by the Northern Alliance Forces. The Myanmar Junta released a statement on 25 November that Northern Alliance forces demolished a Chinese gas pipeline which cross the conflict areas on connecting China and Myanmar’s Kayak Phyu port. It also stated that one of the major border crossing with China under their control “Muse” was attacked with Drones and 120 trucks awaiting shipment to China went up to flame.

In another major development, China announced on 25 November that they are going to hold “live fire” military exercise near Myanmar border. The Chinese Navy is also going to visit Myanmar on 27th November and port of call is expected to be KyaukPhyu port where the demolished gas pipeline connecting China is originated.

The Northern Alliance and most of Myanmar’s ethnic opposition forces have very close ties with China and all their military hardware as well as sources of funding are from China. The leaders of the Northern Alliance are said to be residing in China’s Yunnan Province. The MNDAA is led by the ethnic-Chinese called Kokang from border enclave and some of its ranks include dual Myanmar and Chinese citizens as well as volunteers from China. The official language of MNDAA force is the Chinese too. On the other hand, Myanmar Junta has very close ties with China with most of its military hardwares purchased from there.

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