Massacre of ethnic minority in Myanmar by Democratic Rebel Forces and Drug Cartels


28 August 2024

International NGOs called for investigation by International Criminal Court ICC for the ethnic cleansing and massacre committed by the Arakan Army AA rebels on the Rohingya Muslim minority.

The alleged incident of the mass murder of hundreds of unarmed Rohingya took place in northern Rakhine state of Myanmar bordering Bangladesh on 5-6 August 2024 when the Arakan Army’s offensive in Maungdaw township drove Rohingya refugees to Bangladesh. The eyewitnesses, escaped Rohingyas from the massacre, told to Bangladesh authorities that the advancing Arakan Army shelled the refugees waiting to cross the border with Drone Bombs and mortar shells. Killing hundreds of Rohingya on the spot.

The International Non Government Organization called Fortiy Rights and several NGOs are calling for the ICC International Criminal Court which has mandate on Myanmar, to investigate the particular incidents and other atrocities committed by rebels and Government troops in renewed Myanmar civil war.

There are more than 10,000 unarmed civilians assassinated since 2021 February by the Democratic Rebel hit squads by accusing them as sympathizer of the military regime which is not reported by international main stream media outlets. Most of the foreign language reports came out of Myanmar are reported by the partisan news agencies with ties to popular revolutionary movements and some of the local reporters are the members of the hit squads.

On 21. August 2024, AP news agency reported that two Myanmar freelance journalists are killed by military while they were with the rebels. It turned out that those two journalist worked for DVB (Democratic Voice of Burma, a Normal based dissident news agency reporting about Myanmar) and they were killed in the safe house for the death-squad called KRF Democratic Rebel Force which is responsible for the assassination of over 160 civilians and attacking pilgrimages at the Golden Rock pagoda in Kyaikhto city, Mon State of Myanmar. They were killed along side with 2 other rebel death squad members inside the city’s safe house. While mainstream media reported them as journalists killed in wrong place wrong time, all the Burmese language revolutionary social media reports stated them as member of KRF and assasinating military junta sympathizers in the city while reporting to international media.

Htet Myat Thu, the member of KRF death-squad and reporter for International Media outlets killed by Myanmar junta army in 21 August 2024 along with 3 other death-squad members

On 1 August 2024, a military hospital in Lashio city was overrun by drug cartel MNDAA and over 100 patients and medical workers were massacre.

The Arakan Army AA is reported on former UN chief Kofi Annan’s 2017 report as narcotic trafficking armed group and MNDAA is one of the largest narco Cartel in the world which is formed by Myanmar citizen Chinese called Kokang since 1990s. All of Myanmar armed groups actively recruit child soldiers and involved in kidnappings and drug trafficking although the only conduct of one group, the junta’s army Tatmadaw is focus and reported in int international media as most of the news agencies in Myanmar are partisans associated with one armed function.

Taang ethnic Buddhist novice (a child soldier)recruited by MNDAA Chinese Drug Cartel Army in October 2023

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