Kokang-Chinese Nationals Condemn Terrorist Activities and Human Rights Violations in Northern Shan State, Myanmar perpetrated by Kokang-Chinese Narco Army


Yangon 15 January 2024

Kokang-Chinese nationals residing in Moe Koke, Mandalay, and Pyin Oo Lwin have issued a statement condemning the terrorist activities carried out by Kokang-Chinese Drug cartel called “the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA)” in Northern Shan State, Myanmar. The statement reveals that every Kokang national, including families living peacefully in these cities, strongly denounces the destruction of a Buddhist pagoda by the MNDAA. The message appeared to reflect the concerns for repercussion against Kokang-Chinese living among Buddhist majority Myanmar communities after the circulation of video footage in social media about the destruction of a pagoda by MNDAA forces.

The statement goes on to highlight that local residents from 31 cities across the country have joined peaceful demonstrations against the terrorists. The MNDAA stands accused of numerous human rights violations, including religious persecution, forced recruitment of child soldiers, and ethnic cleansing. Shockingly, they have expelled ethnic people unable to speak Chinese from their illegally occupied areas.

Such blatant violations of human rights are deemed unacceptable by the international community. The Kokang nationals urge global awareness and intervention to address the atrocities committed by the MNDAA.

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