Child Soldier recruitment in Myanmar by the opposition forces is on the rise


Yangon, 4 January 2024

Rebels and militants have been employing child soldiers for decades. In response to international pressure, the military regime releases recruits if found underage. However, various rebel groups, including the Kokang and Plaung groups, known as MNDAA and TNLA respectively, operating in Northern Shan state, continue to forcibly recruit child soldiers without international scrutiny.

Taang ethnic Buddhist novice recruited by MNDAA on November 2023

MNDAA is compelling one person per family from ethnic locals in occupied areas to join their ranks. Fearful of threats, locals are compelled to serve in these groups against their will. Unfortunately, child soldiers are losing their lives on the frontline daily. They conceal their actual age in their identities to deceive the outside world. Despite numerous accusations and images exposing the military regime’s actions, the international community pays scant attention to human rights violations by various rebel and militant groups.

Parents and NLD/PDF using children for political demonstration

TNLA, KIA, PDF, and other militant groups utilize child soldiers for both combat and support. PDFs deploy these children in demonstrations in areas they control, such as central Myanmar. Violating Article 50, second paragraph, of the 1949 Geneva Convention IV, these groups enlist children in formations or organizations subordinate to them.

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