6 political murders reported in single day with 4 mess murder and a couple executed in front of their child by the opposition death squads


4 victims of political assassinations by PDF death squads on 5 December in Magway division Myanmar

Yangon, 6 December 2023

As one month long “the operation 1027” of the Northern Alliance Forces bogged down, the death tolls of political assassination by opposition death squads are on the rise.

On 5 December night in Min Hla city of upper Myanmar’s Magway division, the PDF death squad under the command of National Unity Government NUG which formed after the coup by Suu Kyi’s NLD party summarily executed 4 men who include local administer and school security guard from Madaine Village. The victims are Zaw Moe Oo (High-school security guard), Cho Puu (Administrator), Kyaw Htoo (Administrator) and Kyaw Maung (village elder). The murders are claimed responsibility by the local PDF militia and accused the victims as the collaborator of the military Junta.

In Myanmar, anyone who is accused of being collaborator or sympathizer to the military Junta can be justified for murder by the death squads. Even a negative social media comment about the opposition movement or the criticism in public place like cafe can end up in summary execution. There was recent assassination of a Political party chairman on 1st December and the death squad which claimed responsibility stated that the victim made negative comment on the Social Media about their revolution movement as one of the reasons to murder him.

In the Mandalay division on the same day on 5 December, a couple was summarily executed by the death squad in front of their 8 year old daughter. The couple Than Zaw, 47, and his wife, Nyo Nyo San, 50. from Zalatkone village, Myingyan Township, Mandalay division who are accused of the Junta collaborator by PDF death squad, were shot dead in front of their house while their daughter was forced to watch.

Both of the political killings were claimed responsibility by the local opposition death squads. The political murder and summary execution of anyone accused of Junta collaborator, happened daily in Myanmar. The Junta media claimed that there have been 6700 politically motivated murders by opposition PDF death squads since Feb 2021 coup while the opposition claimed the civilians murder by the Junta are 4200 in the same period. Both of the claims can not be independently confirmed.

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