The Reality of Political Asylum for Myanmar Citizens in Japan


Yangon, Myanmar (19/06/24)

It has been observed that most political asylum seekers from Myanmar are not successful in Japan. Every year, approximately 20,000 people from Myanmar arrive in Japan, working employment in restaurants, construction, and aged care sectors. Some of these individuals enter Japan on student visas. However, many student visa holders apply for asylum after being suspended from their schools due to illegal employment. Similarly, those on training visas often apply for asylum after abandoning their courses. Despite their applications being largely rejected, many continue to reside in Japan illegally.

The primary motive for applying for asylum appears to be the desire to gain additional benefits and a faster route to residency status. Following the political instability in Myanmar post-2021, there has been a significant increase in the number of asylum applications from Myanmar citizens. Although around 500 people apply for asylum in Japan each year, only about 5 or 6 succeed.

Prominent figures, such as Myanmar National Soccer Team member Pyi Shlian Aung, have successfully obtained residency status through asylum by highlighting their need for justice, symbolized by gestures like showing three fingers. This trend is not limited to Japan; many individuals from Myanmar are applying for asylum in developed countries such as the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Japan, often exploiting various visa types such as student, training, and working visas with fabricated stories.

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