Terrorism Strikes Myanmar’s Energy Infrastructure: Arrests and Sabotage in Kantbalu Township


Yangon, 7 January 2024

The Electrical Power is owned and operated by the state in Myanmar as subsidized public services and after February 2021 military coup, the deposed NLD party called for civil defiance movement by not paying utility bills to the government. The NLD also formed armed wing PDF Peoples’ Defence Forces and attacked Electrical Power Department’s offices, power stations, power lines and employees as part of its struggle to restore the controversial 2020 election results which military denied the NLD’s victory.

In Kantbalu Township, Sagaing Division, Myanmar, on 7th January 2024, the NLD party’s military wing PDF (People Defence Force) terrorists orchestrated a disturbing event by apprehending electricians. This incident follows the detonation of the Tha Phen Sit Dam and the power station, along with transformers, on the evening of 5th January 2024. Subsequently, electricians and workers from the electric department, aiming to repair the damage, were captured by the terrorists on 6th January 2024.

Reports from the local community suggest that 16 innocent civil servants have fallen victim to the terrorists’ arrests, leaving their families anxiously concerned about their well-being. The ripple effect of this act of terror is felt by the residents in towns, villages, and areas previously reliant on the Tha Phen Sait Dam. Due to the destruction caused by the terrorists, these regions now find themselves without electrical power, leading to considerable hardships.

This incident is not an isolated one, as a similar occurrence transpired on April 22, 2022. The KPDF (Karenni People Defense Force), another terrorist group, apprehended 26 electricians and staff, along with their tools. The victims were en route to repair the damaged Transmission Towers at the Law Pi Ta power plant on the Shwe Myo power lines.

These incidents underscore the critical need for increased security measures and concerted efforts to safeguard Myanmar’s vital energy infrastructure from acts of terrorism.

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