Six political assassinations reported across the country


According to police reports, there were four political assassinations carried out by the right-wing pro Democracy militia forces called PDF over 4 days period in Myanmar.

In the volatile Sagaing city northern Myanmar on 24 October 2023 morning, one Sai Thuya (a) Kalar 33 was fatally shot in head while sitting at teashop. The lone assassin claimed to be from local opposition militia forces drove away by motorbike after the shooting.

On 26 October 2023 noon about 1:45 in Khin Oo city northern Myanmar, a local administrator U Yar Kyaw, 47 was ambushed by a lone assassins while traveling on bike near the Thihamuni pagoda. He was fatally wounded with 3 bullets on torso and pronounced dead after arriving to local public hospital. The same evening in Mon state, KyaikHto city which is at the foot of famous Golden Rock pagoda, local administrator Kyaw Min Oo, 59 was shot dead at point black by a right wing assassin. He was buying betel quid chew at the local shop called BoBo around 4:45PM while the assailant gunned him down and sped away by motorbike.

On 27 October 2023 night around 10PM in Nwahtoegyee township Mandalay division, a group of right-wing pro Democracy militia came to farmer U Htein Win’s house in HtaNaungLel village before tied him up and brought him to side of the rural road for summary execution. He was executed with two bullets and left on the road.

On 28 October 2023 noon about 1:15PM in Mattaya township, Mandalay division, local NyaungOak village administrator U Kyaw Tint, 65 was ambushed by 2 assassins from local PDF right-wing militia force while he was traveling on motorbike. He was pounced dead with 3 bullet wounds on arrival to local hospital. At the same night 8:10PM in Southern Shan State Lelchar township Hofai village, U Sai San Aye 36 was gunned down in his house by a group of pro-democracy militiamen. He answered the armed man on his door who assassinated him.

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