Buddhist monk assassinated by NLD/PDF death squad at Mahar Bawdi Monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar


Yangon 18 January 2024

On the morning of January 16, 2024, a somber incident unfolded at the Mahar Bawdi Monastery in Kadatche Village, Sintku Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar. The victim, a 49-year-old monk identified as U Thu Wanna (Alias) U Thant Zin, was shot and killed by five members of the PDF (People Defense Force) terrorist group. There is no claim of responsibility from thousands of PDF death squads but the local sources claimed the victim , Buddhist Monk, was accused as military sympathizer and received threats from death squads prior to assassination.

The assailants, arriving by boat, targeted the monastery at 7 a.m., fatally shooting U Thu Wanna in the head. The monk succumbed to his injuries on the spot. This tragic event adds to the escalating violence witnessed in Myanmar, with 93 monks and a nun having lost their lives to various terrorist groups formed by NLD party since 2021. Shockingly, over 7000 innocent civilians have also fallen victim to these acts of political violence across the country perpetrated by the NLD party led death squads, according to the Junta’s Ministry of Information. The opposition claimed the Junta forces killed 4700 civilians on the same period but there is no reliable sources to verify both of the claim.

Security forces are actively investigating the incident and are committed to taking appropriate actions in response. Local communities have expressed their condemnation of these terrorist acts, viewing them as a direct affront to the democratic principles and the establishment of a Federal Union.

It is noted that the PDF terrorists allegedly receive support from entities such as the NUG (National Unity Government) and CRPH (Committee Representing the Pyithu Hluttaw), both of which operate in exile and are considered illegal by certain authorities.

As the investigation unfolds, the community remains vigilant, emphasizing the need for collective efforts to counteract these acts of violence and to restore peace in the region.

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