Resilience and Recovery: Loikaw, Myanmar, Rebuilds in the Aftermath of Conflict


03/05/24 (Yangon, Myanmar)

The administration in Loikaw, Kayah State, Myanmar, is set to resume following recent tumultuous events. On 11 November 2023, the city was besieged by the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) and People’s Defense Force (PDF) factions, operating under the banner of the operation. This incursion resulted in widespread displacement of locals, including government personnel, as intense clashes inflicted severe damage upon the city.

In the wake of heavy losses suffered by the PDF insurgents, the government is now initiating the return of government employees to reinstate administrative functions. Efforts are underway to restore normalcy across various sectors, including government-run educational institutions and public services, as the city comes back under government control.

The conflict’s impact on education has been particularly acute, with government schools forced to shutter their doors. Consequently, teachers and students have been compelled to seek refuge and continue their studies in Southern Shan State.

Furthermore, amidst the chaos, essential infrastructures such as the Mingalar Market suffered substantial damage from arson attacks perpetrated by armed groups. The government has committed to rebuilding these vital economic hubs, aiming to revive local commerce and livelihoods.

Notably, Loikaw serves as the capital city of Kayah State and houses Loikaw University, where the PDF insurgents forcibly abducted the Rector, along with several faculty members and students.

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