Overview of Mandatory Military Service Regulations in Myanmar


Yangon, 17 February 2024

According to a spokesperson from the Myanmar Junta, there are over 17 million eligible men and women for military service. The age range for eligibility is between 18 and 25 years for men, and 18 and 27 years for women. Exemptions from service include individuals who are medically unfit, primary caregivers for elderly parents, married women, individuals of religious vocations, and those rejected by selection board evaluations.

Selected candidates are entitled to receive salaries and benefits equivalent to full-time army personnel. The government aims to enlist approximately 50,000 individuals annually. Certain groups, such as civil servants, individuals receiving mental health care under Medicare, students, and prisoners, have the option to defer their service.

Military personnel are entitled to benefits and compensation in case of injury or incidents during their service. Employers are required to reinstate employees to their previous positions upon completion of military duty. Individuals who voluntarily wish to enlist in the military are also considered if they meet the criteria.

The standard term of service is 2 years, extendable up to 5 years if deemed necessary. The law regarding military service became effective on February 10, 2024. Notably, there are approximately 49 countries worldwide that enforce mandatory military service, including South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Israel, Thailand, UAE, Kuwait, Cambodia, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Brazil, Norway, Finland, and Vietnam.

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