Opposition Forces released some of the kidnapped Loikaw University teachers


Kidnapped University Employees signing promissory notes before being released (Photo by opposition NUG parallel Government) 23 November 2023

Yangon, 25 November 2023

Some 107 out of 204 Loikaw University teachers and family members kidnapped from their campus on 14 November were released by Kayah ethnic opposition KNDF and Bamar ethnic PDF forces on 24 November morning.

They were released to Junta authorities in neighboring Shan State capital Taung Gyi after mediation by the ethnic Pa Oh militia PNO which is allied to the Myanmar Junta. They were abducted from their place of employment, the Loikaw University after the Junta soldiers in the campus surrendered to KNDF and PDF alliance forces. The KNDF initially claimed that they brought about two hindered teachers and family members to protective custody as they wanted to defect to the opposition side or in their words ” wanted to join CDM Civil Defiance Movement orchestrated by the oppositions”.

But “Interim Executive Council of Kayah State” under the NUG National Unity Government’s transitional administration which is the political wing of KNDF/PDF alliance forces released contradictory statement on the same day saying that the kidnapped personals are non-CDM employees who continued their employment after 2021 coup and considered as cooperator of the Junta regime. There was confusion about the number of kidnapped victims at the beginning but according to the political wing’s statement, 204 persons abducted from the University would be interrogated by their special committee and take legal action as Junta sympathizers. According to the Junta media sources, there have been over 6700 civilians were murdered

But “Interim Executive Council of Kayah State” under the NUG National Unity Government’s transitional administration which is the political wing of KNDF/PDF alliance forces released contradictory statement on the same day saying that the kidnapped personals are non-CDM employees who continued their employment after 2021 coup and considered as cooperator of the Junta regime. There was confusion about the number of kidnapped victims at the beginning but according to the political wing’s statement, 204 persons abducted from the University would be interrogated by their special committee and take legal action as Junta sympathizers. According to the Junta media sources, there have been over 6700 civilians were murdered since February 2021 coup to October 2023 by opposition forces’ Hit-Squads for being accused as the Junta sympathizers. The opposition medias claimed that there are about 4200 civilians murdered by the Junta forces in the same period. The rival claims by the warring sides can not be independently confirmed, given the current security situation in Myanmar.


According to the released captives, they were interrogated by their captors and as the condition of release, they were required signing a promissory note about not to cooperate with the Junta authorities and resign from employment. All their belongings were said to be confiscated by their captors. The released victims are junior employees and their dependents while senior lecturers including the Rector are still being held as hostage against their will by the opposition forces in kayah state.

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