Northern Alliance preparing final assault on a major town and declared second phase of operation


Karen Ethnic Forces in Thai border 18 November 2023

Yangon, 18 November 2023

The battle in Northern Eastern war theatre is at stalemate and MNDAA, the ethnic-Chinese opposition force of Northern Alliance issued a statement the civilians in Lauk Kai city to be evacuated immediately.

Lauk Kai, the major administrative center for Kokang (ethnic Myanmar-Chinese) self administered region and only city under the Myanmar junta control, is surrounded by the opposition forces since their operation begun on October 27. The Alliance also declared on 18 November that the second phase of the offensive is begun which is to defeat the Junta forces in the whole country out of the Kokang area.

The opposition forces in neighboring Kayah State on the South surrounded the State capital Loi Kaw. According to the State media, the hundreds of teachers and students abducted from the University campus are still being held by the opposition alliance of KNDF and PDF forces.

In the further south Karen State, the Karen opposition force KNU which signed cease fire agreement with Junta since 2015 declared all Junta governments’ employees to get out from the 3 cities located near Thai border. There are reports about heavy fighting in Taungoo city between KNU, PDF alliance forces and Junta army which is adjacent to Karen State and one hour drive from the Union Capital Nay Pyi Taw.

In the Central Sagaing Division, the opposition forces still hold the recently captured Kaw Linn city and its district issuing statements to banks in the city to give them access to safety vaults. There are no report about major fighting in the other area of the Sagaing division. The opposition forces are seemed to approach Mandalay, the second largest city of Myanmar from all directions.

In the further West, the renewed fighting in Rakhine (Arakan) State seemed to downturn for ethnic opposition force AA as Kyauk Taw, the first city captured by them on 16th November was retaken by the Junta forces within a few hours.

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