Myanmar Army’s Hmawbi Airforce Base attacked by 107mm rocket


107 mm rockets on an improvised launch pad aimed at the Airforce base which are discovered and deactivated by government troops on 14 September 2023

Opposition forces fired Chinese made 107mm rocket on 22 October 2023 morning to one of the largest Airforce bases which is near the outskirt of Yangon city.

The group called Urban Special Operation U.S.O which is one of thousands armed resistance forces formed after February 2021 coup, issued statement saying they carried out the attack. Although the authenticity of claim on group’s social media account can not be independently confirmed, the sources on ground reported two explosions and damages on fences by shrapnel which is likely to be caused by rocket fragments around the perimeter of the Hmawbi Air Force base. The opposition forces frequently use Chinese made Type-63 rockets (copy of Russian 107mm) without the launcher system to attack Myanmar government’s offices and armed forces. The rocket which has the range of 3-10km can easily be obtained in Myanmar’s large black market, easy to conceal carry and fire without launcher system using improvised launch pad with car or motorbike 12v battery.

On 14 September 2023 Myanmar government released a statement that its forces found and deactivated eight Improvised 107mm (type 63) rockets which are remotely set up to fire within the perimeter of Hambi Airforce base.

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