Mass Displacement of Rohingya Due to AA Narco-Army Attack in Rakhine State


Yangon, Myanmar (21/05/24)

It has been reported that over 150,000 Rohingya have been rendered homeless following an attack by AA terrorists (Arakan Army), who set fire to their town in Rakhine State, Myanmar. According to Ro Nay Sen Lwin, founder of the Free Rohingya Council (FRC), the incident occurred at approximately 10 PM on May 17, 2024, when the AA terrorists ignited the town of Bue Thee Taung in Northern Rakhine State.

By the morning of May 18, 2024, the town was completely destroyed, with less than 0.5% of homes remaining intact. The displaced Rohingya are now residing along roadsides and on farmland without access to food or shelter, while the AA terrorists are reportedly celebrating their actions in the streets, Lwin added.

Ro Nay Sen Lwin stated that there are thousands of witnesses who saw the AA terrorists setting the fires. Furthermore, the AA also targeted hospitals, shooting at facilities where many Rohingya were receiving treatment. This has exacerbated the already critical humanitarian situation, leaving the injured without access to necessary medical care.

The humanitarian situation is dire, with urgent needs for food, water, medical assistance, and shelter. Local and international aid organizations are being called upon to provide immediate assistance to those affected. The international community is urged to respond promptly to prevent further suffering and to ensure that the displaced Rohingya receive the necessary support.

This tragic event highlights the ongoing violence and instability in Rakhine State, which has been a focal point of ethnic and religious tensions for years. The Rohingya, a minority Muslim group, have faced persecution and violence, leading to repeated displacements and humanitarian crises. The latest attack by the AA terrorists underscores the need for a long-term solution to protect vulnerable populations and to promote peace and stability in the region.

International human rights organizations and government bodies are being called to investigate the incident thoroughly and to hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The global community must take a stand against such atrocities to ensure that justice is served and to prevent future incidents of this nature.

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