Kayah State capital is heavily contested while opposition forces releases proof of life video of the abducted Rector of State University


Kayah ethnic KNDF soldiers inside the Loikaw University after occupation 14 November 2023

20 November 2023

Heavy fighting is reported in 20th November morning around the Kayah State capital Loi Kaw near the city’s prison and Myo Oo Buddhist monastery in northern suburb. The Junta forces use heavy artillery and superior Air power to repulse the attacking opposition alliance forces of Kayah ethnic KNDF and Bamar ethnic NLD led PDF forces.

Most of the city is seemed to be under control by the Junta forces after 9 days of attack by the loosely allied opposition forces since they begun their offensive “Operation 1111” on 11 November. The official social media channel “The Transnational Administrative Council of Kayah State” which is the political wing of KNDF/PDF forces released a proof of life video of the rector Dr. Aung Khin Kyint of kayah State’s Loikaw University whom they captured on 14 November and rumored to be hacked to death. The organization also released the list of 204 civilians they abducted against their will from the University campus after the firefight with Junta soldiers stationed there. The political wing of Kayah state is under the exiled Government called National Unity Government NUG which NLD party members formed after the 2021 coup. The abducted 204 personals are said to be the employees and their family members of the State University which the opposition categorized as non-CDM employees or collaborators of the Junta (not joining Civil Defiance Movement orchestrated by the opposition). The battle on Tuesday, 14 November took place while the University is normally operating for the day of examination. Although KNDF initially claimed on the day of abduction that they were helping to evacuate University employees and their family members who wanted to join the CDM movement, the statement released the same day by their political wing contradict by stating that they were non-CDM employees and taking legal action accordingly. The number of abductees were198 in the initial claim on 14 November and 204 in statement released few days later on the 20th. On the video, the rector clearly stated they were held against their will by the opposition forces for being employed by the Junta.

In other development, KNDF said that on 19 November they have captured a pilot from Junta Airforce who ejected from the air craft they have shot down. The pilot of Chinese made two seats K-8 trainer aircraft Major Khaing Thant Moe who was shot down more than a week ago was captured in Leik Tho area of the Kayah State by KNDF/PDF forces and paraded on their Social Media accounts.

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