Four KIA rebels including a child soldier who detonated explosive in Lashio hotel apprehended


Yangon 10 February 2024

A group of Kachin Independence Army KIA rebels who detonated IED explosives in Lashio hotel on 7 February was appended on 9 February in Lashio city. One of its member is 15 year old child soldier. A cache of explosives, weapons and 180 extortion money collection letters was confiscated with them.

According to local sources TNLA a rival Ta’ang /Palaung ethnic rebel group which operate in the same area tipped off about the KIA tax collection hit squat to the local Junta law enforcement agencies. The Lashio city is situated in the civil war torn northern Shan State and the frontline for the Junta forces facing off against the litany of rebel groups including Chinese drug cartel armies “the Northern Brotherhood Alliance”. The IED explosion happened on 7th February evening in YiShuan Hotel after the owners of the facility refused to pay the KIA rebel’s written request for the revolutionary tax/extortion money.

15 Year old KIA child soldier Naw Li on brown shirt (stocked photo released by local law enforcement)

The local authorities released statement with captured weapons of two assault rifles, three pistols, ammunitions, IED explosives and 180 letters addressed to local businesses for the revolutionary tax/extortion money. The captured KIA hit squad is made up of 15 year old child soldier Naw Li, 18 year old Mar La, 26 year old Khaung Zal and 43 year old Khaung Dwe.

Explosives captured with KIA hit squat

The Kachin Independence Army KIA is based on Kachin ethnic group and forced every family to contribute one child to serve in their revolutionary army. The recruitment of child soldiers by hundred of rebel groups is rampant in Myanmar’s 75 year long civil war.

180 KIA Revolutionary Tax collection notices addressed to Lashio businesses captured with KIA hit squad

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