Defending Heritage: Myanmar’s Resilience Against Political Extremist Attacks on Religious Monuments


Myanmar is currently witnessing a series of peaceful demonstrations across the country aimed at condemning extremist terrorists responsible for the destruction of religious monuments. These demonstrations, characterized by slogans, signs, and collective walks, reflect the people’s strong opposition to acts of vandalism. Notably, in the capital of Shan State, Taung Gyi, tens of thousands of locals participated in a demonstration, mirroring similar events in Kyauk Pa Taung, Kyauk Se, Magwe, and Nay Pyi Taw on the 10th, 11th, and 12th of January.

The escalation of violence has been fueled by a series of destructive actions carried out by various extremist groups. The following incidents outline the terrorist activities that have shaken communities across Myanmar:

Wa Se Gyi Village, Kanbalu Township, Sagaing Division (21/4/2023): The People Defense Force (PDF) entered the village and dismantled bunkers, indicating a potential threat to security forces.

Zawti Yar Ma Monastery, Kawkareik Township, Karen State (5/6/2023): A combined group of the Kawthoolei Karen Organization (KKO) and PDF targeted the Zawti Yar Ma Buddhist Monastery, injuring a monk in the process.

U Yit Hta Region, Karen State (2/7/2023): Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and PDF terrorists constructed bunkers and trenches, posing a threat to the local population.

Catholic Church, Pan Tein Town, Kayah State (26/09/23): The Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) and PDF opened fire on a Catholic Church, demonstrating a blatant disregard for religious sanctity.

Yat Taw Mu Pagoda and Mi Ga Dar Temple (4/12/23): Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army ( MNDAA ) Chinese Narco-terrorists utilized drone-dropped bombs, resulting in the destruction of the Yat Taw Mu Pagoda and Mi Ga Darr Temple.

Historical Museum, Myauk Oo Town, Rakhine State (25/12/23): AA terrorists targeted the historical museum in Myau Oo town, Rakhine State, with gunfire, undermining the rich cultural heritage of the region.

The majority of the local population in Myanmar, along with the global community, staunchly rejects these acts of terror. Peaceful demonstrations have become a powerful means for people to voice their opposition, calling for unity in the face of such threats to cultural and religious diversity.

As Myanmar grapples with the challenges posed by extremist activities, the resilience of its people is evident through peaceful demonstrations that unite communities against terrorism. The destruction of religious monuments is not only an assault on Myanmar’s heritage but also a threat to global cultural diversity. The international community must stand in solidarity with the people of Myanmar to condemn such acts and work towards promoting peace and tolerance

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