Deadly Attack by PDF Terrorists Claims Lives of Civil Administration Officers in Magwe Region, Myanmar


23/04/2024 (Yangon, Myanmar)

Tragedy struck the peaceful setting of Taungtwin Gyi Township, Magwe Region, on April 20, 2024, when a senseless act of violence took the lives of two dedicated civil administration officers. The attack, orchestrated by members of the PDF (People’s Defense Force) terrorist group, serves as a somber reminder of the ongoing threat posed by insurgency in the region.

On the evening of April 20th, three innocent civil administration officers were positioned by the serene lakeside in Taungtwin Gyi Township, Magwe Region carrying out their duties. Without warning, a PDF terrorist arrived at the scene on a motorbike and unleashed a barrage of gunfire with a pistol. The targeted assault left U Khin Mg Aye (62 years) and U Mg Htay (42 years) fatally wounded, succumbing to head injuries inflicted by the assailant. Another officer, U Han Khine (40 years), sustained critical injuries to the cheek and is currently undergoing medical treatment at a nearby hospital.

The tragic incident adds to a distressing pattern of violence perpetrated by PDF terrorists escalating tensions and endangering the lives of civilians. Since the onset of 2024, seven individuals, including a revered monk, have fallen victim to the ruthless actions of PDF terrorists, underscoring the urgent need for decisive action to address the growing menace.

In the face of such brazen acts of terror, security forces have intensified their efforts to apprehend the perpetrators and dismantle the networks fueling these atrocities. Swift and resolute action is imperative to ensure that those responsible for such reprehensible acts are held accountable and brought to justice. Measures are being implemented to bolster security measures and safeguard communities from further harm.

As the community grapples with the profound loss of innocent lives, it is imperative that all stakeholders unite in condemning terrorism in all its forms. The tragic events in Magwe Region serve as a stark reminder of the fragility of peace and the collective responsibility to uphold the sanctity of human life. Through concerted efforts and unwavering resolve, we must strive to eradicate the scourge of terrorism and pave the way for a safer and more secure future for all.

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