Chinese Embassy in Myanmar advised their citizen to avoid contested drug turfs


Yangon 28 December 2023

The Chinese embassy issued a statement on 27 December, two month anniversary of Drug Armies’ offensive “Operation 1027” to retake the disputed narcotic drug producing region on China-Myanmar border that Chinese citizens should not travel to those areas as the Drug War intensified.

Contested area by Drug forces where world’s largest drug labs are situated

The Chinese Narco-Army MNDAA virtually occupied Lauk Kai city, the capital of internationally famous drug cartel of Kokang Autonomous region from the militia allied with Myanmar military Junta on 27th December night while Palaung ethnic TNLA Drug Army occupied Nant Sent city in the contested area on the same day. According to local sources, the Cartel Alliance forces called “Northern Brotherhood Alliance” fighting under the command of their former enemy NLD/NUG parallel Government have occupied about 9 towns and 310 military outposts from Myanmar Junta Army since they launched offensive “Operation 1027″on October 27.

The United Nations said 600,000 peoples are displaced due to fightings. The Human Rights Watch HRW accused the Chinese MNDAA drug army which led the drug cartel alliance forces as forcibly recruiting local population into their army, abductions and summary executions of the civilian.

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