Arakan and Chin states’ ethnic opposition forces open new fronts by launching simultaneous offensive


Arakan Army Recruits

Yangon, 13 November 2023

The informal cease fire between Myanmar Junta army and AA on November 2022 was broken as the Arakan ethnic opposition forces, AA Arakan Army launched offensive on the western most part of the country, Arakan (Rakhine) State and claimed to occupy some Border Police outposts on the Bangladesh border in the dawn of 13 November 2023.The Myanmar Army is said to repel the attack with bombardment from navy ships and heavy artillery.

At least one Border police outpost called Chain Kha Li in Yathei Taung twonship is overrun by the AA and all 26 personals from the Apauk Wa police station in Kyauk Taw township is surrendered. The Myanmar Junta closed all land and water transport routes to the Rakhine State and declared curfew in the Sittwe township, the capital of the state. The AA which is established in 2009 in Kachin State by Kachin opposition group KIA with Arakan (Rakhine) recruits have been fighting around the country from their birth place of Northern Myanmar to home base Western Rakhine State.

On the north of Rahine State, the Chin ethnic Opposition forces CDF attacked and occupied Rikahwdar city after attacking a Myanmar Junta Army outpost on the India border.

Chin Refugees near India Border 13 November 2023

In the North Eastern war theatre, the Northern Alliance Forces announced that they have occupied one more Junta army outposts which made total of 141 outposts they have occupied since October 27.

In the volatile Sagaing division, local authorities reported that at least 10 school teachers are being held hostage by NLD led PDF militia forces in Inn Daw city. They are in addition to 57 teachers and government employees detained by the PDF for not resigning their jobs 11 November deadline given by the PDF.

There are confirmed reports about the attack in the Loikaw University Campus, in southern Kayah State capital by the alliance of Kayah ethnic force KNDF and NLD led PDF. The armed assault happened while the exams are being held in the 8 Am local time on 13 November and Myanmar junta army said it rescued the students and teachers being held hostage by the armed group. The fighting is said to be still ongoing at the time of writing and university authorities announced the cancellation of exams indefinitely.

On further south in Karen and Mon States’ border, the strategic inter states Chaung Hnet Khwa bridge and Junta army security outpost are said to be occupied by the Karen KNDO and NLD-PDF forces on 12 November evening. A reinforcement column from Junta’s 22 Light Infantry Division was ambushed on 13 November and casualty is unknown.

The Junta’s spokesman released the statement that the their forces repelled the attacking opposition forces from strategic Htee Chaint city of Sagaing division on Irrawaddy river. The Martial Law is also declared in 5 North Eastern townships bordering China.

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