Allegations of Property Acquisition and Financial Mismanagement Surrounding NUG Leaders in the US: A Closer Look


Reports have surfaced within the Myanmar community alleging that top members and supporters of the National Unity Government (NUG), who relocated to the US a few years ago, have been involved in purchasing properties. Notably, Aink Poe Ou, also known as Pan Sello, a prominent supporter of the NUG, reportedly acquired a million-dollar property in the US, with a housewarming celebration held during Myanmar’s New Year in April 2024, according to statements made by a Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) doctor.

Further allegations suggest that other NUG leaders, including U Aung Kyi Nyunt, Committee Representing Pyithu Hluttaw (CRPH), U Kyaw Htwe National, League for Democracy (NLD), and the daughter of U Yi Mon, have also been implicated in property purchases. Despite public scrutiny, there has been no official response or clarification regarding these claims.

For instance, U Aung Kyi Nyunt coincidentally hosted a housewarming event on the same day as Pan Sello. Additionally, U Kyaw Htwe purportedly purchased a property in Minnesota, although there have been alterations in the ownership details. The daughter of Yi Mon, recognized as the Defense Minister within the NUG, allegedly acquired a luxurious property with a swimming pool, co-signed by Ko Htin Win, shortly after her arrival in the US in 2022.

Until May 10, 2024, there has been no official rebuttal of these accusations. A senior member of the National League for Democracy (NLD) emphasized the financial constraints faced by these individuals before leaving Myanmar, raising questions about the sources of their newfound wealth.

Moreover, rumors have circulated regarding the misuse of funds by NUG leaders, sourced from supporters and various channels. Allegations include U Aung Kyi Nyunt’s acquisition of property under another individual’s name.

According to the reliable sources, U Kyaw Htwe purchased a car valued at over U$40,000 shortly after arriving in the US, having been there for only a few months. His wife secured a job in a hospital kitchen, earning $20 per hour before taxes. After deductions, she received approximately $13 per hour. Despite this, U Kyaw Htwe managed to afford a down payment for the car (over U$40,000) and subsequently purchased a house valued at (over $400,000) with a 20% down payment, following his emergence from hiding three months prior. He purportedly solicited donations under the banner of ‘fighting military dictatorship,’ as reported by a member of the NLD residing in the US.

Similarly, U Aung Kyi Nyunt and his wife, upon their arrival in the US, settled in Indiana and were unable to work due to their age. It remains unclear how they acquired the funds to purchase.

Critics also point out discrepancies in the financial backgrounds of these individuals, such as U Aung Kyi Nyunt and his wife, who are reportedly unable to work due to their old age yet managed to purchase a property with a swimming pool in Indiana.

The donated and supported money which they have been cheating are the blood money, as commented by Myanmar people. They have been deceiving those who trusted them. According to sources from NLD members, individuals such as U Aung Kyi Nyunt, U Gyaw Ni, U Yi Mon, Lwin Ko Lat, Nay Phone Lat, and Nay Myo Htet are allegedly exploiting the revolution for personal gain. Notably, Pan Selo appears to profit significantly without bearing corresponding responsibilities. Additionally, it’s reported that Daw May Win Myint is poised to acquire property soon, according to NLD sources from the US. These individuals have allegedly been purchasing properties under the names of family members, relatives, or friends. If further scrutiny were to reveal their hidden dealings, they may attempt to claim that they merely rented or resold the properties.

Amidst these controversies, it is essential to highlight the potential legal ramifications, particularly concerning visa regulations and financial transparency in the US. It is imperative that individuals entering the US comply with financial declaration requirements and ensure that their transactions are legitimate and tax compliant. Failure to adhere to these regulations could result in serious legal consequences, including charges related to money laundering and visa fraud.

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