Sporadic fighting around the country as northern alliance’s offensive enter into second week


Area Map where Junta Navy is going to exercise

There are reports about ongoing fighting in North Eastern theatre between Junta army and Northern Alliance forces with several towns on Chinese border said to change hands.

According to local sources on 5 November 7:00 local time, there still are fighting in 3 towns Thenni, Naung Cho and Nam Kham with junta forces using airplanes and artillery in North Eastern Shan state bordering China. Two other towns in the area Kyuukoke and Faung Sai are said to be retaken by the Junta. Northern Alliance forces claimed on social media that they occupied one more Junta base and there are total of 109 military outposts occupied since 27 October offensive begun. The situation on the ground is very volatile with Mandalay to China road is closed to public and any claim from the warring sides can be independently verified.

On the North and North Western theatre, the opposition alliance KIA, AA and PDF forces are said to be briefly taken northern KawLinn city which is about 300km north of Mandalay on 4 November morning and retreated toward Htee Chaint city which is strategically located on a major bridge across Irrawaddy river. The junta forces are said to use its superior air power extensively in the area.

There still are heavy fighting going on in North Western India border with coordinated offensive by the opposition alliance CNF, ABSDF and PDF forces when they launch offensive on dawn of 4 November. One prison camp in Kalay township is said to be taken over by the opposition forces and heavy firefights in Khampat city which is under opposition control except the Junta military bases. On Magway division Yaw township which is not far from the India border, the alliance of Rakhine AA, Kachin KIA and local PDF forces are said to overrun a police station in Min village and taken over 20 police as prisoner of war. There are reports about the alliance forces occupied a village which is regarded to be the ally of the military junta, arrest of villagers and the murder of 12 police who surrendered.

On the south of the country, Myanmar Navy declared on 5 November that they are conducting live fired exercise in the Andaman sea near offshore gas fields from 7-9 November. The Russian Navy fleet is visiting the country for joint exercise until 7 November but there is no mention about whether the exercise in Andaman Sea involve the Russians. In the separate development, the PTI Press Trust of India reported that Myanmar Junta army is going to conduct military exercise in India on December. The PTI quoted Indian Army spokesperson Lt Col Mahendra Rawat that the exercise will take place at North Eastern India Meghalaya state’s Umroi Cantonmen where United States Army is also planned to exercise sometime on November.

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