Coordinated large scale attacks around the country by the alliance of opposition forces


Chinese Criminal gang members being transferred by Myanmar to Chinese authorities at the border in October 2023

The dawn of 27 October 2023 for Myanmar is opened by waves of raids by the alliances of ethnics opposition forces around the country.

In the north eastern Shan state bordering China, the alliance of ethnic Kokang-Chinese MNDAA, Palaung TNLA and Rakhine AA raided Myanmar army and its alliance militia bases and closed down national highway linking China and Myanmar which is part of the famous “Burma Road”. The rebel alliance is said to occupy the border city called Chin Shwe Hor which is part of Kokang-Chinese self administered prefecture in Shan State. The ethnic rebel military alliance is said to include two Burmese proxies called BPLA and Mandalay PDF formed after the 2021 coup. Although there are wide spread social media reports about the causalities, there is no independent figure to report about. The Myanmar junta’s spokesman reconfirmed about the fighting and overrun of some military bases, he declined to comment about the casualties.

The rebel alliance issued a statement about the Chinese Maoist-communist style operation named after the date “the operation 1027” and closure of national high-way with warning to public that anyone who use the highway would be considered as legitimate enemy target. The situation on the ground is still very volatile. The timing of military campaign and their claimed objective about cracking down the Chinese criminal gangs based in the Myanmar army and their alliance militia controlled area is coincided or may be synchronized with the 25 October 2023 statement released by the local Chinese embassy about the meeting between the Chinese ambassador and Junta’s official. The statement praised the cooperation by Myanmar government to cracking down Chinese criminal gangs operating in Myanmar territory and transferred by Myanmar of 5000 suspected Chinese citizens since September 2023. According to the Chinese embassy’s statement, China will continue to deepen cooperation with Myanmar and will take further actions to effectively safeguard the interests of the people from both countries.

In the southern part of the country in Karen state on the same morning, elements of renegade karen rebel army KNLA and their proxies/alliance PDF forces raided a major town Kawtkareik which is situated on Asia Highway linking Thailand and Myanmar. The causality figures also can not be independently verified. There is no evidence of coordination between northern rebel alliance and the southern. The local sources stated the fighting raged on between local Myanmar government forces and rebel until noon until the rebel retreated.

Although the sporadic fighting raged throughout the country between Junta and thousands of different and independent armed groups since 2021 coup , such a coordinated attack by the ethnic rebel alliance is not usual.

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