Tragic Attack in Myanmar: Innocent Lives Lost to PDF Terrorism


Yangon (25 February 2024) It has come to light that a tragic incident unfolded in Kyauk Se Township, Mandalay Division, Myanmar, on February 22, 2024, where two innocent individuals and a revered monk were ruthlessly gunned down by members of the People’s Defense Force (PDF) terrorists.

The victims, including the esteemed Sangha Thel Maung Kan from the village monastery Sayar Taw U Agga Nyar Na, along with four local attendees, were partaking in a day’s donation ceremony in remembrance of the late U Myo, who passed away one month prior in Pakokku Township, Myaynipyin Village.

At approximately 2:00 PM on February 22, 2024, a group of 15 PDF terrorists intercepted their vehicle near the Ywar Gyi Village, Nahtoegyi Township, Mandalay Division, adjacent to an old well, as they were returning to their village. The assailants opened fire indiscriminately upon the vehicle, resulting in the tragic deaths of 76-year-old monk, Daw Than Me aged 71, and Daw Khine Htay, aged 38, due to grievous injuries sustained. Another individual in the vehicle, Ma Ei Ei Phyoe, aged 23, also suffered injuries.

This appalling act adds to a disturbing trend, with nearly 100 innocent members of the Sangha falling victim to PDF terrorists’ violence since February 2021, primarily in Sagaing, Magwe, and Mandalay Divisions. The local community is deeply distressed by the heinous actions of these terrorists operating within Myanmar.

It is crucial for the international community to take decisive action against both the National Unity Government (NUG) and the PDF, along with their supporters. The PDF, backed by the NUG, an exile group, poses a significant threat to peace and stability in Myanmar. Urgent measures are needed to address this escalating violence and hold the perpetrators accountable for their crimes.

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