Preserving Biodiversity and Combatting Illegal Activities: Challenges at Inn Daw Gyi Lake


Yangon. (17/02/24)

Inn Daw Gyi Lake, located in Kachin State, Myanmar, is currently home to over 20,000 Asia water birds. Despite encountering challenges, our team successfully completed our fieldwork, albeit without the involvement of various expert groups who were unable to participate this time.

During our data collection efforts spanning the lake’s perimeter, we uncovered concerning activities. It has come to our attention that numerous businessmen are illicitly offering bribes to various armed groups in the surrounding areas. Furthermore, illegal gold mining operations initiated post-2000 have inflicted severe environmental damage. This includes the extinction of rare fish species, destruction of natural forests and vegetation, and disruption of local farming practices.

Over the decades, the detrimental effects of the chemicals used in gold mining have rendered the water unfit for consumption, posing significant challenges to nearby villagers, such as those in Mine Naung and Ma Mon Kai. These communities suffer from the adverse impacts of polluted water sources, which extend beyond environmental degradation to affect their health and well-being.

Inn Daw Gyi Lake holds UNESCO recognition as a Biosphere Reserve, bestowed on June 14, 2014, due to its remarkable biodiversity, including a dense concentration of birds and other wildlife. However, the ongoing threats posed by illegal activities underscore the urgent need for comprehensive conservation efforts to safeguard this invaluable ecosystem for future generations.

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